6 Skincare Habits Men Are Doing That Are Hurting Their Skin

When it comes to skincare, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Men's skin is different from women's and requires special attention. Unfortunately, there are some bad habits that men can develop that can actually damage their skin. And, to make things worse, not all men realize that these things are hurting their skin in the first place. This leads to many men trying out different skincare routines without getting many results out of them.

Are you one of such men wondering why your skin doesn't seem to improve no matter what you do with it? If so, then it is possible that you're making one of many bad habits!

Today, we want to talk about the various negative skincare habits men might be doing that only hurt their skin:

1. Not Wearing Sunscreen

No matter how resistant one's skin is to the sun, all men should be wearing sunscreen every day, even if it's cloudy or cool outside. Sunscreen helps protect against harmful UV rays that can cause wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer. Make sure to choose a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher and reapply as needed throughout the day.

2. Not Cleaning Skin Properly

Properly cleaning your skin is essential for maintaining a healthy complexion. Men should use a gentle cleanser that is specifically formulated for their skin type to ensure that it is being properly cleansed without being stripped of its natural oils.

3. Not Exfoliating

Exfoliating is an important part of any skincare routine. It helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, promoting a clearer complexion. Make sure to choose an exfoliator that is gentle and use it no more than twice a week.

4. Not Hydrating Skin

Hydrating your skin is essential for keeping it looking healthy, especially after skin-drying treatments like exfoliation. Men should be using a moisturizer every day to keep their skin hydrated and nourished. Choose a moisturizer that is specifically formulated for your skin type for the best results to keep the skin smooth and healthy.

5. Not Eating a Healthy Diet

Did you know that what you eat can have a huge impact on your skin's health? It can! Eating a healthy diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables can help to keep your skin looking its best. So, if you've been eating unhealthily, make the changes, if not for your general health, for your skin's looks.

6. Not Getting Enough Sleep

While this isn't exactly a skincare routine, it still can affect your skin regardless. Not getting enough sleep can have a variety of negative effects on your skin. Not only does it decrease the skin's ability to repair itself, but it can also cause dark circles and puffiness to appear. Make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night for the best results.


Taking care of your skin is essential if you want to look and feel your best. By following these simple tips, you can make sure your skin looks young and healthy, giving you the best look possible. On top of that, when you are looking for skincare products, always spend time looking for high-quality options to ensure you're treating your skin the right way!

Dion Michaels offers multifunctional products that help make men's skincare be more efficient and, more importantly, effective. If you are looking for skincare products for men, check out what we offer!