How To Properly Maintain Your Beard

People don’t teach you how to grow a beard. It just grows however it’s meant to grow. But, since beards are becoming more of a trendy fixture, many of your peers won’t have learned how to properly manage one. So you’re on your own or are you?

In this article, we'll go over how to properly maintain your beard.

1. Don’t Let Your Beard Ruin Your Shirt

Or your date, your job interview, or anything else that requires you to be a little more well-groomed than a mountain man. Beard hair is coarse and curly, which sounds awesome and manly—but it can be a real pain. If it’s short, it’s unruly. If it’s long, it can collect food, sand, grime, and everything else you’re likely to find in the world.

The solution? Invest in a goatee or neckbeard (if you’re not into growing it full-on). The goatee style is like a tuxedo that always looks good, while the neckbeard is a little easier to maintain (and less mooch-able). Either way, you’ll always look sharp.

2. Use the Right Comb

Comb your beard with a wide-tooth comb once you’re out of the shower. A beard brush is a good investment as well because it has a smaller, denser tooth than a comb, and a boar-bristle brush will help distribute oils, which will prevent your beard from getting too dry.

3. Decide If You’re Going to Trim

It’s like the old saying goes, “If you can let it grow, now’s the time to let it grow.” If you get a trim, let it grow out for another few weeks before you get a haircut. That way, the hair is actually long enough to cut and trim and you don’t end up with a weird baby beard.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

You may have a beard you’re impressed with, but if you don't like what you see in the mirror, ask somebody. Consider asking a barber (or the guys in your office) for help. Unless they’re getting a commission from some beard-care company, barbers have no incentive to lie to you about your beard.

5. Be Ready for Some Stubble

If you expect to grow a beard, you're going to have to be OK with growing some stubble every now and then. It's inevitable. But that doesn't mean you can't do something with it. Put some product in it. Beard oil or skin balm, specifically. The texture makes it look a little better than it would otherwise, and it'll help keep your beard looking healthy.

6. Put Some Beard Balm on It

Once your beard gets longer, you'll need a beard balm like Dion Michaels’ skin balm. It helps tame your beard and keep it soft and manageable.

7. Shave Your Neck Every Day

If you’re going to grow a beard, be prepared to shave your neck—every day. Unless you’re sporting an awesome neckbeard (see point #1 above), you’ll have to shave your neck every morning in order to get rid of the shadow of growth that your neckbeard will inevitably become.

8. Use a Beard Oil

If you’re not using one, get one. It’s not just for long beards, and it’s not just for people who want to look like lumberjacks. It’s for anyone who wants to take care of the hair on his face. Just like you wash your face, you should wash your beard. Just like you oil your hair, you should oil your beard. Just like you moisturize your face, you should moisturize your beard.

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